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Colonial I vs. The Forest (02/26/2020)

Match #1

Colonial I (Home Team)

Dennis Kreuser
Earl Lepisto

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Jim Lavoie*
Kent Heckman

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 6-1
Set #2: 7-5
Played: 02/26/2020, Status: Completed

Match #2

Colonial I (Home Team)

Steve Crabb
Steve D'lorio

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Jack Keiser
Tom Laird

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 6-3
Set #2: 6-1
Played: 02/26/2020, Status: Completed

Match #3

Colonial I (Home Team)

Eric Miller
Chas Vollmer

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Chuck Gabelmann
Randy Billings

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 6-3
Set #2: 6-3
Played: 02/26/2020, Status: Completed

Match #4

Colonial I (Home Team)

Bob Prange
Allan Weiner

The Forest (Visiting Team)

Burt Kainen
Bob Connor

Score (winner-loser)

Set #1: 4-6
Set #2: 6-2
Set #3: 1-0
Played: 02/26/2020, Status: Completed